Last week, Kassidy and I went on a floating sea lab fieldtrip. It was a lot of fun. Everyone got to participate in pulling in the drag line to see what was caught. There were a number of ray's, a couple of fish, lobster, star fish, sponge just to name a few. Everyone was able to touch and pick up the sea life. We also got to look at drops of water under a microscope to see all the plankton. A couple weeks prior, Collin and Dave went on Collin's overnight fieldtrip aboard the Californian. They reenacted the life of a merchant sailor in the year 1774. Some of the duties included swabbing the deck and night watch. They were divided into small groups and had to take turns doing night watch for 1 1/2 hrs. They had a great time. The next day they got to sail the boat around the bay. Unfortunatly, we do not have pictures because they were not allowd to bring cameras. There were a couple of people with cameras, so hopefully we can get copies from them to share with you.
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